October 4, 2020 Jason Tyree

Week 13 – Landscaping, Railings, Granite and Gratitude!

END OF WEEK 13 (11 days til closing):

This was a surreal moment for us. The house is pretty much done! Seeing it in practically it’s complete form is just…wow. I remember us putting the “SOLD” sticker on the lot sign when it was just dirt and trees.

We got landscaping! We got Sod! We got a Mailbox! We got Railings! We got…locked out. ? Well, I guess we are at that phase now. Good thing I went during the week and took pics while they were cleaning. ? Now where were we? …We got granite! We got shower door! We got thermostats! And in 11 days, we will have the house we prayed and paid for. ??

For this upcoming week, we just have inspections and minor touch ups. We scheduled our independent inspection for this Thursday. Bittersweet because this is our final update before closing. We enjoyed posting our weekly updates and will continue to update you all post-closing. Thank you for following us in our journey. ❤️❤️ Next update will be CLOSING DAY!