October 11, 2020 Jason Tyree

Week 14 – The Finish Line

END OF WEEK 14 (4 days til closing):

We are 4 days away! ? Our New Home Orientation/Walkthrough is Tuesday, so we didn’t even go to the house today. In fact, we don’t have a weekly update. ??‍♂️ However, what we do have is gratitude…and it’s not even about just building our house.

We are grateful to be in a position to help and inspire others. Never been too big on popularity. Heck, seeing the replies, love and feedback on my posts sometimes gives us anxiety ?, but we’re like “We gotta tell everyone ‘Thank you!’”

This journey has been awesome! All we wanted to do is document our journey. It’s been weird because personally, it’s been a good year, but the social/political climate has been the opposite. Our journey (and the people we’ve met throughout this process) has been a safe haven for us. The joy that you see in these pics are real. We had to navigate through hell for the past 5+ years just to get to this “heaven.” We’re talking deep depression, anxiety, job loss, the loss of a parent and many other family members, a miscarriage, etc. 3 years ago, we didn’t see a future in sight. We’re so glad we didn’t give up. We would’ve missed all of this. ??

This upcoming week is surreal to us. ? We remember when we got married almost 15 years ago. We lived in a one-bedroom apartment, with no vehicles, and barely food some days, getting paid $9/hr. A few years after that, a 2 bedroom apartment with 3 kids at the time. We had the bassinet in the hallway, due to lack of room, and made ends meet, making $25k/yr. I (Jason) went through two 1+ year unemployment stints ?, but God kept us. ?? This joy that we have…maaaan. ?

I (Jason) grew up in a single-parent home. My mother grew up getting evicted from homes with my grandma. Now my mom gets to see her son and family build from the ground up! Grateful. ??

We’re also grateful to see others win. Seeing updates from others makes our heart smile. ☺️ We are all striving to do great things for our families and I speak blessings and an abundance of success to everyone who reads this. We knew the risks of “Don’t buy from Ryan Homes.” We saw the negative reviews and feel for those who had/has a bad experience. You deserve better and we really hope it gets better. We just wanted to share our journey and be as “loud” with our positive experience. It hasn’t been 100% perfect for us (peeing on subfloors, wrong cabinets, etc.) but we are still grateful. ??

Thank you everyone! Thursday can’t come fast enough!! ❤️??