Oh hey end of week 6️⃣!! Ahh!! We have reached this point so fast it’s insane! Like it’s mind ? blowing how fast the workers are building. During this week, we had our personal inspector come in to check things out. With all of the rain we’ve been having, we wanted to be extra certain that everything was up to par. ??
?Our tip of the day is, if you are in the process of building, have a personal inspector come in and scope things out.
Let’s jump into this week’s visit! Today was pretty exciting! Rocks for the porch were dumped off (actually during our pre drywall earlier in the week), insulation is looking great and they even added EXTRA insulation in the garage! Also, some of the minor stuff our inspector found was taken care of. We also noticed notes around the exterior from our builder that was left for the workers about some touch ups to the house.
During our visit, we looked out the window and saw one of Jeremiah’s best friends! They were TOO excited to see each other! Jeremiah showed off his room & “T” goes.. you have a bathroom in your ROOM?! Lol! Jeremiah of course was smiling from ear to ear. Oh, and met a few more neighbors, and one of the main questions I (Jason) asked them was “any issues with your house?” They all said “nope, not really. Tom (our Project Manager) is good.” That gave us more ease and confirmation that our community is fortunate. Drywall, siding and the porch is scheduled for this week.
We can’t wait!?
Stay tuned for more updates and follow more posts on our blog!
Great tip about the inspector. I wish someone had told us that! ?